Never Say These 5 Things When You're Selling Your Product
Good writing can make or break a website — take it from someone whose entire career has been dedicated to writing for international brands. These 5 things are big no-nos when it comes to selling your product, but here's 5 alternative approaches you can use instead.

What is Marketing and Why Do People Hate It?
Plenty of business use shady marketing practices — but marketing itself is vital to every business. Here's an intro to the basics and how you can use them in a positive way to boost your business.

The 7 Best Books to Inspire Tired Solo Entrepreneurs
These are the top 7 books that have made an impact on my relationship to work. If you're filled with self-doubt or overwhelm, you're in the right place.

How to Write to the Benefits of your Product
People have a lot of misconceptions about what marketing is and how it should work. Today, we're exploring the reasons why you should write about the benefits of your product or service, rather than the features.

See How I Make This About Me Page 10x Better With a Few Easy Edits
I recently had the chance to edit an About Me page for my friend Ashley's company. Here's exactly what I changed, why I changed it, and what you can take away for your own page.

The Best Tricks For Landing Well-Paid Brand Sponsorships
I used to be brand rep searching for great content creators to partner with. Here's 8 tips to make yourself more likely to win well-paid brand sponsorships.